Frequently asked questions

Q: How much RAM should I assign for FlameCord?

It depends on server specs, player count, and plugins, but 4GB is usually sufficient for most servers.

Q: Can I use FlameCord with ViaVersion?

Yes, but place the ViaVersion jar in the spigot server's plugins folder, not FlameCord's. This is essential for optimal resource usage, saving 50% of server resources. Download ViaVersion here.

Q: Can I use FlameCord with Geyser?

Yes, FlameCord is compatible with Geyser, but be aware that Geyser may require more than 4GB of RAM due to its resource-intensive nature. Download Geyser here.

Q: I have an error in the console. What should I do?

Read the error message to identify the cause (e.g., plugin name). Delete the problematic plugin. If unsure, seek assistance in our Discord Server.

Q: Can I use gradients and hex colors in FlameCord Motd?

Yes, you can use them in the motd using the IridiumColorAPI format. Examples can be found here in the usage section.

Q: I bought the permanent license, but it says it will expire.

Activation may take up to 3 days. If the issue persists, contact support on our Discord Server.

Q: My server is crashing during an attack, what should I do?

Check for errors. Is it out of memory? Identify plugins causing high memory usage or crashes. Try minimizing plugins. If the server isn't closing but not accepting connections, consider a hosting service with more bandwidth or CPU.

Q: My memory/CPU usage is high.

It could be a plugin issue. Try reducing the number of installed plugins. Utilize the Spark plugin on BungeeCord (sparkb command) and run a profiler or heap dump to identify the source of the high usage.

Q: I have a "Too many accounts" error.

This indicates exceeding the allowed players per IP. It may be due to shared IPs or server misconfiguration. If you're a player, contact the owner. If you're the owner, reset IP database with "/flamecord reload," adjust account limit in flamecord.yml, and ensure proper IP forwarding, especially with reverse proxies like TCPShield.